Probably because blogging is for dinosaurs,

but there does not exist a Blogger application for my phone. It's not that I have such important information to share, that I need to publish a thought on the internet the second it occurs to me--if I had that impulse, I would be on Twitter--I just take it that what you're reading now, this form of communication has, in the seven that I've been using it, become obsolete, unfashionable. If a Blogger app did exist, I would use it to publish photos from my phone from where ever I was instead of having to upload the stupid things onto my computer first.

Speaking of apps that don't exist, but should: the Library of Congress has started a website called The National Jukebox, wherein they are digitizing and uploading many of their unique old-timey recordings, things that were originally published on media such as wax cylinders and platters made of acrylic or resin.
Once upon a time there were no microphones.

You can browse their recordings, listen to premade playlist, or create your own. These are your tax dollars; this service is free to use. Socialism. If the LOC that would stream these playlists, these recordings, on my phone, I would be listening to it on the bus forshizzle. Forget about blogging cellphone pics.

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the guy who wrote this:

My photo
writes words, draws pictures, and shoots things (with his camera)